Eighty Years

Well, here it is September already…. On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland — thus the beginning of World War II. During the years of that war, the world learned a lot. Most everyone agreed that the world should take steps to prevent history from repeating itself, and that World War II should truly be the war to end all wars.

Actually, we’ve done pretty well… we certainly haven’t ended all wars, but there have been multiple times that World War III has been prevented. Reading the news lately, a few people draw comparisons to situations and actions that are remarkably similar to those that existed in 1939.

One concern that I have is that most of the people that lived and experienced the events of the late 1930s and early 1940s are now gone, and the “newer” generations appear to possibly be headed down the same road again.

I still have faith that cooler heads will prevail and we won’t repeat the mistakes we made in the past again. Maybe there should be a “World Office” whose responsibilities are to document — like a cookbook with directions — of all major events, and what was done right and what was done wrong. That book should be mandatory reading for all world leaders every year.

Anyhow, for today, let’s all remember September 1, 1939 and keep our fingers crossed that it never happens again.
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