Still Special

Some of you long-time readers may remember that nine years ago I mentioned the arrival of the what was then the newest member of our family. If you don’t remember, you can go back and read the article from 2010.

I noted that Emily weighed 7 pounds (exactly) and was 21 inches long — and — if you divide 7 into 21 you get 3 which just happens to be the date she was born and my favorite number. If you’re into numerology, or not, to continue this saga, we now have 3 granddaughters… and it’s still my favorite number.

But play with numbers all you like, she’s no ordinary nine year old and she’ll alway be NUMBER ONE in my book. Happy Birthday Emily!!!
— 30 —

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One Response to Still Special

  1. thanks you poppy!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am so thankful that you do this.

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