Bad Habits?

There’s been lots of news about the Catholic Church lately. But most of it centers around Priests and their mis-conduct. One group that, as far as I know, has escaped any criticism or scandal is the Nuns.

Well, another bubble burst — I just read that two nuns who worked for decades at a Catholic school in California embezzled a “substantial” amount of money from tuitions and other school funds. At first I thought it might be for a good cause, but it turns out they used the money to pay for gambling trips to Las Vegas.

Apparently both nuns acknowledged the theft when confronted, apologized and are cooperating with an ongoing investigation. They both expressed deep remorse for their actions and asked for forgiveness and prayers.
Church officials don’t plan to press charges at this time and just want the matter resolved internally with the money repaid and the nuns disciplined by their order.
I suppose — even for nuns — it’s never too late to repent….
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