I Do Resolve in 2019

Oscar Wilde once said, “Good resolutions are simply checks that men draw on a bank where they have no account.” But as both faithful readers know,  I usually make New Year’s Resolutions because…. well, I really don’t know why — I just kind of got in the habit and do it almost every year.
And every year I remind everyone (and me) how new year resolutions aren’t very realistic.
The fact is, the only one who really has an investment in your resolutions for the new year is you. It’s in your best interest not to lie when you tell yourself that your are going to be a better you next year.

A few years ago, my only New Years resolution was to not have any resolutions so I wouldn’t disappoint myself…. still disappointed myself. Last year I shortened and simplified my resolution list and tried to make it more realistic and more achievable. I think that worked out pretty good and I had my highest success rate of keeping resolutions ever. Here’s my list for 2019 — all of which will be truly achievable. So — here we go with this years resolutions.

• I will drive by the Shepherd Wellness Center once a week.
(Since this is the only resolution from last year that I didn’t complete to my satisfaction I’m going to try it once more…)
• I will learn the difference between ‘effect’ and ‘affect’
• I will make a new friend each month
(I know I’ve tried this one before, but I think I can do it this time)
• I will make usual things unusual
• I will not run while juggling knives
(I only added this one to guarantee I will keep at least one resolution)

So that’s it for 2019 — my goals for making me a better me. Some people will continue making resolutions with very specific challenges in mind — I admire folks that undertake things while wondering how they are possibly going to do them. But again this year, my goals are doable — check back about this time next year and see how I did…
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