Grading Time

It’s almost New Year’s Resolutions time again and every year at this time, I take the time to review how I did with the ones I made last year. You may remember, or you can check back to last year’s entry, that I was more realistic with my resolutions than in the past…. I only made a few that I really thought I could keep. So let’s see how I did.

• make better bad decisions in 2018
Aced this one, I believe most of my bad decisions were much better than in the past.

• I will assume full responsibility for my actions, except the ones that are someone else’s fault
Another home run. I stepped up and took responsibility for both my actions that weren’t someone else’s fault.

• I will drive by the Shepherd Fitness Center at least once a week
I have to admit I didn’t do quite as well on this one — I did drive by the fitness center, but I didn’t reach my every week goal. I did, however, think about driving past almost every week so I give myself credit for that.

So overall, I think I did pretty good — actually, better than most years. Now on to 2019 and another chance to be a better me….
— 30 —


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