Monthly Archives: December 2023


I watched an interesting segment on 60 Minutes last Sunday about quantum computing. The program was fascinating and frankly a little disturbing. When these computers come along with their magic large number factoring capabilities, I’m going to be even more … Continue reading

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“A day that will live in infamy,” President Franklin D. Roosevelt said in his speech responding to the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Every year, on December 7, Pearl Harbor Survivors, veterans, and visitors from all over … Continue reading

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St. Nicholas

I’ve mentioned before that I never knew about St Nicholas Day when I was little — I only learned about it when I was much older. Claire, on the other hand, always knew about St. Nicholas and it was always … Continue reading

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What Would We Do Now?

Years ago, we were in Hawaii and we went to dinner at a very nice restaurant. I think on this particular night, we went out to eat a little later than we normally do. Anyhow, the restaurant wasn’t very crowded … Continue reading

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Authentic, Hallucinate, or Rizz

Around this time every year, most of the dictionaries and a few other sources choose their “word of the year.” It’a always interesting to see what they think should be the word of the year. Some years it’s driven by … Continue reading

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‘Tis The Season

Today is the first Sunday of Advent. The first Sunday of Advent varies — it falls between November 17 and December 3. Advent season can be as long as 4 complete weeks or as short as 3 weeks and 1 … Continue reading

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Report Card

Well, here it is nearing the end of 2023 — and as I always do, I made New Year’s Resolutions for the year. And, being a man of my word, I’m here to tell you how I did with my … Continue reading

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December — 2023

Here it is December already — the 12th, and last, month of 2023. December is always a busy month with lots of holidays, feasts and happenings. It’s a busy month, so take a deep breath and let’s get started….. The … Continue reading

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