Report Card

Well, here it is nearing the end of 2023 — and as I always do, I made New Year’s Resolutions for the year. And, being a man of my word, I’m here to tell you how I did with my 2023 resolutions. Every year (for some reason) I make resolutions and before the year is over, I report back here — honestly — how I did. So here’s this year’s report…..

My resolutions for 2023:
I resolve to unsubscribe to all the (un)helpful e-mails that try to sell me stuff that zI don’t want and can’t afford. 
Grade: E (that’s for EFFORT.) I honestly tried to get rid of these things, but it turns out it’s harder than trying to get through to a real person when you need customer service. I tried every trick I know, but honestly I’ve got more in my e-mail than I did last year. I’m trying to decide if I should give this another shot, or just give up.
I resolve that I will not act my age.
Grade: A- I really put a lot of work into this one and pretty much made a fool of myself at every opportunity. I’m not sure if someone is more annoying when they act like they’r younger, or when they act their age — or older.
I resolve to make the usual unusual.
Grade: A — I truly did make the usual unusual. I have to admit that that isn’t necessarily a good thing, because some of the usual things I used to do and not think about, became a real challenge this year for some reason. I found lots of ways make routine projects into major challenges.
I resolve to learn something I never learned as a child.
Grade: C — I think I may have learned something new this year, but I honestly can’t remember what it was. As I mentioned last year, I had a pretty dull childhood, so I’m pretty sure I learned something this year that I didn’t learn when I was a kid. I lowered my grade to a C because I even though I’m pretty sure I did it, I can’t remember.
I resolve to do something nice for other every day week.
Grade: A — This was the year of niceness for me. I’m almost sure I was nicer than I was in 2022. I even expanded my practice of rolling the neighbors’ trash cans back after the trash was picked up.
I resolve to become really good a procrastination.
Grade: A+ — I totally succeeded at this one. I think I’m getting so good at this I’m turning it into an art form….

So there you are — my honest assessment of how I did with my resolutions for 2023. And even as good as I think I did, I think I can do even better. In a few days, I’m going to sit down and jot down a few things I’m going to do to make me an even better person in 2024.
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