What Would We Do Now?

Years ago, we were in Hawaii and we went to dinner at a very nice restaurant. I think on this particular night, we went out to eat a little later than we normally do. Anyhow, the restaurant wasn’t very crowded and while we were eating, most of the patrons finished their meals and left. We were one of only two or three, or maybe four, couples left. Just about the time we were finishing up, an older couple a few tables from us began to argue. I don’t know what the argument was about, but it got pretty heated and the husband (I’m assuming he was her husband) stood up, threw his napkin on the table,and announced (loud enough for everyone to hear,) that he’d had enough and stormed out the door. The lady seemed very upset and looked at us and said, “what do I do now? I don’t have any money.” 
Well, as you can imagine, we felt sorry for her and we paid her check and called her a cab. She told us what hotel they were staying at, so we paid the cab to take her to that hotel.

I’m not sure why I thought of this experience, but I just wonder if the couple had a real argument, or was it just a scam? Did they do this on a regular basis? It’s funny, but that thought never crossed our minds back then. I wonder if the same thing happened today, would we handle it the same way? I hope we would, but it seems like the world has become more cynical and we become suspicious of most everything. But that’s the way it is — everything changes, and obviously not always for the better.
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