December — 2023

Here it is December already — the 12th, and last, month of 2023. December is always a busy month with lots of holidays, feasts and happenings. It’s a busy month, so take a deep breath and let’s get started…..

The month of December originally consisted of 30 days. When January and February were added to the calendar, December was shortened to 29 days. But then when the Julian calendar came along, two days were added to December, making it 31 days long.

The month of December brings along the winter solstice. This is the shortest day of the year, or at least the day with the least amount of daylight. This year, the solstice is on Thursday, December 21. 
December’s full Moon is called the full Cold Moon and will appear on Tuesday, December 26 — it reaches peak illumination at 7:33 a.m. EST.

Along with Christmas and New Year’s Eve, the Month is filled with activities to keep us busy — December 3 is the first Sunday of Advent, followed by Saint Nicholas Day on December 6. December 7 is one of those days that we should never forget — National Pearly Harbor Remembrance Day.
And the month also includes the Bill of Rights Day, Wright Brothers Day and the first day of Kwanzaa, along with Boxing Day in Canada and the UK and as mentioned earlier, the Winter Solstice.
And — according to legend, frost on the shortest day is said to indicate a severe winter.
So buckle up — let’s get on with December…
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