
We went “shopping” a few days ago. I needed a couple of things that I use up and have to replenish from time to time — I was looking for furnace filters, some sandpaper and a particular type of finish I use for my woodworking projects from time to time. All pretty standard items. Well, we must have driven about 30 miles and visited 4 different stores to get those three items. It’s bad enough that all of them cost at least twice what they did the last time I bought them, but the fact that the stores just didn’t have them made it even worse. I decided that I really don’t like shopping.

Of course, if you read this blog, you know that I’ve been labeled a curmudgeon, and there’s a lot of thing I don’t like….
I don’t like people that cut grass and blow it into the street. 
And here’s some more things I don’t like:
Hot-air hand dryers in public restrooms
Carts in stores with wobbly wheels
People that take up two parking spaces with one car
Spaces that are too small on forms where I’m supposed to put my signature
Telephone answering messages that are too long or too cute
The middle seat on airplanes
People who stand too close to my face when they’re talking to me
Personalized license plates with the owner’s nickname on them
Phone calls and mail that announce I’m the potential winner of a million-dollar sweepstakes
Religious quacks on TV thinking up new ways to take money from ignorant viewers
Waiting in line

Well, you get the idea…. seems like I don’t like much of anything anymore. Maybe next time I go “shopping” I’ll be able to just go into the store, pick up the item and buy it. Then I’ll write a blog about all the stuff i do like….
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