Blame the Moon

Claire has a brother that believes the Moon affects the body even down to specifically what body parts are affected during various phases of the Moon and the Moon sign. Of course, he’s not alone — a lot of people believe the Moon has a significant influence on human behavior.

There is a profession called Medical Astrology — apparently part of a larger category of celestial science that studies how the influences of constellations, zodiac signs and the planets affect body parts.

According to “medical Astrologists” the Planetary positions at your birth indicate the nature of the disease(s) you will suffer from and when and how they will affect you. I would assume that they also recommend how we can best alleviate them.
Seven planets (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn) possess control over the different organs of the human body and their peculiarities. Each planet also rules certain anatomical structures and certain diseases.

So how about the Moon — my extensive research uncovered the following:
Moon is the feminine planet which is cold, moist, phlegmatic, watery and nocturnal. The Moon rules over the zodiac sign Cancer. The organs of the human body governed by the Moon are breast, saliva, womb, water, blood and lymphatic and glandular system. The anatomical structures governed by the Moon are Pericardium, veins, lymphatic vessels, intestinal functions, eyes, alimentary canal and membrane. The diseases related to the Moon are genital and urinary derangement, testicles, wind and colic, bronchial catarrh, dropsy, tumors, insanity and defective eyesight.
So there you have it — even though I don’t know what all those parts of the body are, they are majorly influenced by the Moon. 

But it seems more complicated than that — depending on the Moon Phase and the Moon Sign, certain organs are more sensitive at certain times and any surgical operations involving those particular organs should be undertaken with care, or better yet, postponed.

To get you through the rest of the month, here’s some valuable Moon information:
Tonight, May 26, the Moon Sign is Leo and the Moon Phase is Waxing Crescent
Tomorrow night, May 27, the Moon Sign is Virgo and it’s the First Quarter Moon Phase
The Moon Sign continues in Leo May 28 and 29 and the Moon Phase is Waxing Gibbous
May closes out the last two days with Libra as the Moon Sign and the Moon Phase is Waxing Gibbous

There is no absolute proof that the Moon affects human mental and physical health. But most “experts” hedge their bet by saying something like, “we can be confident that the Moon does not have a noticeable impact on most people’s lives most of the time, but we cannot rule out the possibility of its role among various environmental factors that might affect our sleep, moods and vitality.”
So like a lot of things, believe what you want — just keep the Moon in mind if you find yourself needing a good excuse sometime….
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