5/22 AD (Anniversary Day)

Here it is May 22nd, or better known as Anniversary Day around here. If you’ve been following this blog, you know that both Kelly and Chris and Sue and Mike celebrate their wedding anniversaries today. 

Mike and Sue were married on Saturday, May 22, 1999 — the high temperature was 65 degrees, the low was 56 degrees, there was 0.33 inches of precipitation, but no snow.
The Moon was in first quarter phase and 1999 was not a leap year.

Chris and Kelly were married on Saturday, May 22, 2004 — the high temperature was 89 degrees, the low was 65 degrees, there was 0.00 inches of precipitation, and no snow.
The Moon was in a Waxing Crescent phase and 2004 was a leap year.

So today Sue and Mike will be celebrating their 24th anniversary and Kelly and Chris are celebrating their 19th anniversary. Not that this year isn’t, but next year will be a major one for both.
Happy Anniversary to Kelly and Chris and Sue and Mike!!!
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