Lot of Shaking Going On

If you watched or listened to the news this morning you know that 6.4-magnitude earthquake occurred in northern California. 

Earthquakes are scary things — they happen without warning and there are no “earthquake shelters” or anyplace you can hide from all the shaking. We experienced earthquakes when we were living in Asia and even here in West Virginia. I’ve also been in a few in California.

I did a little bit of extensive research and found out that one of the 10 strongest earthquakes to hit the Philippines occurred while we were living there — it happened in 1973 and is ranked as number 8 on the top ten strongest list. We felt it in Manila, but its epicenter was in souther Luzon on the Bicol Peninsula.

If you experience an earthquake, the tendency is to run outside, but that’s not what the experts tell you to do. The “experts” advice is to get under a desk or table and hang on to it — “Drop, Cover and Hold on!”

But don’t worry, if you’re a believer in Nostradamus predictions, he said the great earthquake shall be in the month of May. I think someone else may have gotten it right though when they said, Earth is saving itself from humans. Have you noticed it’s been fighting back with earthquakes? 
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