2023 Resolutions

Every Year about this time I make New Year’s Resolutions. Why? Because it’s what I do. I admit that I often times (usually) don’t keep these resolutions, but that’s not the point. Resolutions are a way of expressing one’s desire to change something in ourselves or adapt to a new challenge. I usually make a sincere effort to keep my resolutions and as I’ve mentioned before, when I fail, it’s usually because of forces beyond my control.

But it’s still fun to ring in the New Year with fresh set of resolutions. Every new year is a fresh start with new goals to achieve. I suppose there was once a time when setting New Year’s resolutions was considered a serious thing…. not so much nowadays. 

But as I always do, her’s my resolutions for 2023:
* I resolve to unsubscribe to all the (un)helpful e-mails that try to sell me stuff that I don’t want and can’t afford.
The number of these I get seems to have increased dramatically lately — I’ve tried to “unsubscribe” to a few of them, but they keep coming back. This year I’m going to finally get rid of them.

* I resolve that I will not act my age.
I realize that I’m getting older, but lately I’ve been acting older. Just because I’m over 80 doesn’t mean that I have to act like I’m that old. This year will be a new, younger (acting) Jimmy.

* I resolve to make the usual unusual.
It’s become apparent that I’ve gotten into a rut, doing the same things day in and day out. This year I vow to try to do one small thing differently every week. 

* I resolve to learn something I never learned as a child.
Thinking back, I had a pretty dull childhood — there was lots of stuff I could have learned about but didn’t. This year I’m going to learn to do something that I never did as a child.

* I resolve to do something nice for others every day week.
After thinking about it, I changed every day to every week, but I still think this is an admirable goal. I plan to do one nice thing a week for someone else.

* I resolve to become really good at procrastination.
I know this has appeared on my list for the past few years, but I think I’ll really be able to accomplish it this time — and if not, the next year for sure. And I’ve got a good start with the long list of things I didn’t accomplish this year, or last year.

So there you have it — my realistic list of achievable resolutions for 2023 — all intended to make me a better person. I can’t believe it’s been a year since I didn’t become a better person, but I’m looking forward to 2023 and a better me.
Check back here about this time next year and I’ll give you my honest evaluation of how i did.
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