I Do Resolve — Again

It’s that time again — New Year Resolution time!  I don’t mean to keep harping on it, but 2020 really has been a crappy year. I just read an article that a survey was taken that indicated that seven in ten Americans are tossing out their materialistic New Year Resolutions for 2021. The survey found that 71 percent of those surveyed will be focusing on learning life skills or practical goals. This is another “sign of the times.”

I will, however, continue down the same path I do every year….I probably shouldn’t reveal this, but my real plan, as usual, is to swear off every kind of virtue, so I’ll be successful even when I fail.

Long time readers know that for many years my list of resolutions was very long every year, and many of them were not achievable. The last few years, I’ve shortened my list and also made each resolution more realistic. I plan on continuing that trend for 2021.

New years are like restart or reset buttons — you think you can push the button and start things all over again, but a new year doesn’t come around to change your life. I think it comes around to remind you that one more year has passed and you’re still the same person who thinks he can make his resolutions stick. 

Before I get to my list, I hope that 2021 gives us the opportunity to have real fun with real people, not just virtual ones… and now, here’s my list.
•  Since it got screwed up by the coronavirus this year, I again resolve to drive by the Shepherd Wellness Center once a month, or at least occasionally.  
•  I will sign up for a marathon that I fully intend to not actually run
•  I resolve to burn all leftover 2020 calendars that i see.
•  I resolve to go outside — among people
•  I resolve to share my New Year’s Eve champagne
•  I promise when I hear a funny joke, I will not reply LOL
•   I will be more imaginative
•   I will become the GOAT at procrastination (or maybe I’ll save this one for next year.)
So that’s my list — check back here for periodic updates to see how I’m doing.

For all of us, I hope that 2021 turns out to be the best 525,600 minutes of our lives.
Happy New Year!
— 30 —

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