He’s Coming to Town

Well here it is time for my almost annual Christmas Blog. Christmas will be a little quite around our house this year, but I think it’ll still be nice. Christmas activities, like everything, have changed… probably not so much for us, but certainly for our kids and grandkids. I think all the grandkids make an annual visit to Santa to tell him how good they’ve been during the year, but this year Santa is a little harder to find — he doesn’t seem to be hanging around the malls as much. But I know that Emily has written Santa several letters — actual letters, not e-mail! And I think she did a FaceTime call with him. I’m pretty sure Locke, Rory and Ellie have also been in touch.

Certainly one bit of good news is that Santa doesn’t have to worry about getting COVID-19, or spreading the infection. This was especially good news to me, because I’m pretty sure Santa falls into the overweight category and I think he’s even older than me — placing him squarely in the high-risk group. I do think Santa has been taking coronavirus precautions though — he’s been making fewer appearances and he appears to be socially distancing. The pictures I’ve seen of him in stores and malls looks like he’s almost always behind plexiglass of some sort.

And I feel even better after Dr. Fauci said that Santa is exempt from the virus because of all his good qualities — he has developed a lot of good inane immunity. I’m sure Dr. Fauci is right. After all, if Santa can fly around the world in one night, deliver millions of toys and eat all those cookies, he certainly can develop an immunity to coronavirus. 

So I’m feeling pretty good about Santa — seems like he’s pretty much got his bases covered. But — in my experience, no matter how well you’re prepared and have thought things through, you always need a contingency plan. I’ve been fortunate enough to have made a lot of contacts in strategic places over the years, and several of my contacts have assured me that if the impossible should happen and Santa does contract COVID, the North Pole has laid out contingency plans so as to not disrupt the toy delivery. Mrs. Claus could go if Santa gets sick and can’t go.

You can all rest easy tonight — Santa will come and he won’t be bringing COVID.
It may be different, but it’ll be just as special — Merry Christmas to all!!!
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