A Christmas Secret

Merry Christmas everyone.

I think I mentioned yesterday that Emily had done/was doing a FaceTime call with Santa. I found out that wasn’t technically true. A day or so ago, she had a Zoom session with Santa Claus. I’m not sure how it all came about, but there was Emily sitting in front of her computer having a conversation with old Saint Nick.

We were able to see a video of the session (that her mom recorded) and it looked like they were having a perfectly fine conversation — you’d think she was talking to one of her friends. 

We found out later that she told her mom that she thought that she was probably talking to the real Santa. The one thing that seemed to bother her a little bit was that at the top of the Zoom window, it didn’t say “Santa,” it said “Cathy.”

Kelly told her that maybe it was one of Santa’s elves that help Santa with all the modern technology. Emily seemed to think that might be possible, but she said it would have to have been an old elf, because the elf’s parents would have to be really old to choose a name like Cathy. 

So after all these years, I’ve learned that elves apparently have names —I’d always just heard them referred to as “elves.” Next thing you know, I’ll probably find out that Mrs. Claus has a first name….
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