TLAP — 2019

Well, here be me most favorite holiday again — Talk Like a Pirate Day. Today everyone around here will be calling each other ‘me hearties,’ be donning their finest eye patches and pulling the usual shenanigans that they do every year. Needless to say me and me wench Claire have been lookin fore t’ it since last year.

Both my favorite readers know I get very excited about this day every year, but on a serious note, the day is more than just saying aaargh a lot and using ye instead of you. It’s a day when many just substitute me when they usually use my and celebrate by having a drink. But for those of use who honestly wish that we had been pirates, it’s a day to reflect on what could have been… and especially today, ye be careful takin’ me cup o’ grog.

Obviously, I’m a big fan of pirates — even the name. What name besides “Pirate” could be given to the coolest dudes to ever sail the seven seas. They have cool boats, cool wooden legs and cool parrots. And their main job is searching far and wide just to “plunder.”

A couple of my neighbors have asked me what this talking like a pirate is all about — do we really need an International Talk Like a Pirate Day? Yes. Yes, we do. Now it is a little hard to explain exactly why. When you talk like a pirate, it gives your conversation a certain swagger, but there’s more to it than that — when you talk like a pirate, a total image of swaggering pirateness surrounds you. But back to the question… what’s the point? Actually, the point is, there is no point. So today, when people around you are saying aarrr or weigh anchor or I’ll give you a taste of the cap’n’s daughter’ — they’re talking like pirates simply because it’s fun.

Sometimes pirates get a bad name because they were thought to be people who stole from other people and left a trail of death in their wake. But while they did do most of that, their main purpose was to travel around the world giving candy to small children. The killing and stealing was just to get money for the candy….. and for rum. A lot of people don’t know that.
Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day, me hearties.
Til’ next year — Aarrr!!!
— 30 —


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2 Responses to TLAP — 2019

  1. Mike and Sue says:

    We’re bummed we missed talk like a pirate day. Henceforth we will mark in on our calendar for next year! One question, what would your pirate name be if you had one? This also explains why you have a map to the “gold in them hills”.

  2. UJ says:

    I’m not sure what my name would have been — I think I’d like it to have been something like Dirty Walter Cavenaugh, but it probably would have turned out to be maybe Poopdeck Pete Schmidt…..

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