
I mentioned the last time I was here that there were a few events that I needed to catch up on…
Both the faithful readers probably noticed that I didn’t include my annual Thanksgiving blog this year. There were a number of reasons for that — none of them good enough to fall into the “excuse” category, but we were in Leesburg dog sitting for Riot and Rebel over Thanksgiving while Kelly, Chris and Emily visited the Giffords in California. We actually spent Thanksgiving day at Dave and Chassie’s new house and celebrated with Dave, Chassie, Locke and part of Chassie’s family. It was really nice to spend the day with family and there was a bit (probably a lot) of excitement anticipating the arrival of the twins….

It’s never too late to be thankful, and I am. Some years I make a list of all the things I’m thankful for, but this year the list would be far too long…. Most of all I’m thankful for all our families, especially Claire, Kelly, Chris, Dave, Chassie, Emily, Locke, Loralai (Rory) and Leighton (Ellie). Don’t feel bad if your name didn’t make the list, I’m still thankful for you.
Happy (belated) Thanksgiving to everyone!!
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