This has been a really busy week and a half around our house… this blog should have been updated much sooner for a number of reasons, but that didn’t happen. I’ll try to cover all the important events over the next couple of entries.
The big news that must be taken care of first is that we now have double the number of grandchildren that we had when I last updated this site. Loralai (Lori Rory) and Leighton (Ellie) were born on the 28th and, as predicted, they are identical twins. We went to see them and I’ll readily admit that all little babies look pretty much the same to me, but if you put these two behind your back and shuffled them up, I couldn’t tell which was which. I’m pretty sure they were born labeled “A” and “B” — at least that’s what they were labeled in the first picture we saw of them shortly after they were born. I think if they were mine, I’d just be sure they never took off their hats (that are labeled A & B) so I could tell them apart, but I’m pretty sure Dave and Chassie will be able to figure out which one is which without the hats — but I think even they are having trouble keeping them straight so far.
Locke visited them last evening and apparently was pretty impressed with “his babies.” He talked about them all the way home, even referring to them by their names (Not A & B.)
Having a baby(s) these days is a lot different than it used to be. I think when Dave and Kelly we’re born, they just checked that all the parts appeared to be there and slapped their hands together to see if they jumped…. then we took them home. Lori and Ellie have been taking tests from the time they were born – I guess they must be pretty smart — they seem to have passed them all. After all the testing, they had to enter a “car seat challenge.” I didn’t (and still don’t) have any idea what this is, but I assumed it was some sort of competition like American Ninja Warrior. But once again, I was wrong… all I know is that it took about an hour and a half and involved car seats. But they both obviously did well — they each got a certificate that says, “I passed the car seat challenge.” I guess that’s a good thing, because I just heard they were going home today. As you can see from the picture below, they seem ready.
Needless to say, we’re just as proud of
Lori Rory and Ellie as we are of Locke and Emily. Even though they look pretty much exactly alike, I know they’re completely different individuals and will have their very own likes, dislikes, dreams and achievements. And I’m positive that each one will amaze us in her own unique way that we can’t even imagine!!
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CORRECTION: I know it’s hard to believe, but I made a mistake — again. “Lori” will be called Rory. So if you read this posting before, read it again and do it right this time!