Out with the Old — In with the New

Well, here we are again — the year is nearing the end and a new year is in sight. And of course you know what’s on my mind — new year resolutions. (Actually, that’s not what’s on my mind, but every year I seem to, for some reason, think I should make some.) Probably in the next few days, I’ll make some resolutions because that seems to be what I always do.
It’s become a fairly common practice that before I make my new resolutions, I look back and see how I did with my old ones — so here’s how I fared in 2017….

• I resolve to not send a text to someone sitting in the same room… or even in the same house. I have to admit that I’ve actually done that — I realize its harder and harder to communicate with people these days, but no more texting for me if they’re within a quarter of a mile.
I almost got through the year without breaking this one, but I have to confess… I violated the same house and quarter mile rule.

• I will take a selfie this year. I may be the only person younger than 95 that has never taken a selfie. Didn’t know how until recently when I found out that my phone had a camera in the front so I didn’t have to bend my neck around to the back… so stand by — I might include the results in the blog.
Failed — I can’t say I expended a lot of effort trying to get this one accomplished, but with only a few days left in the year, I still haven’t taken a selfie.

• I will not save my fortune cookie messages in my wallet. I’m not sure why I’ve done this in the past, but I usually find them months later… maybe I think the message is so meaningful that its going to guide me through some trouble or something… but no more — if I think it’s that important, I’ll take a picture of it on my phone.
Nailed this one! I have not saved one fortune cookie message in my wallet!!

• I will not come up with any new cool social media acronyms. First of all I don’t like social media acronyms like lol or omg or… whatever — no abbreviations for me — I know how to spell (with the help of spell checkers.)
Once again, I’m doing really good with this one — haven’t created any new acronyms, although I do have to admit I did use an emoji.

I resolve to be accepting. Things are changing… marijuana is becoming legal, gay marriage is legal — people are gay, people smoke pot… I’m not and I don’t but I won’t get in the way of anyone’s lifestyle and I won’t judge. I will accept people, and things, for what they are — guess what, I can’t change them anyway.
I did pretty good here too… I don’t think I’m quite so quick to judge, and for sure when I do, I’m better able to keep quite about it.

I will not buy bright colored sneakers or tennis shoes or golf shoes — or those with some psychedelic pattern. Sneakers should be white, or black, or maybe gray….
I get an excellent on this one — I actually got two new pairs of sneakers this year — one pair is white and the other is black.

I resolve, every day, to (try) to be better than I was yesterday…. and today.
I think I get full credit for this one — I really did try.

Overall, I think I did better than usual in keeping my resolutions for 2017. So I’ll probably come up with some more for 2018, but as I’ve mentioned before, resolutions are only goals… we should all concentrate on values. But — since it’s a tradition, I’ll probably come up with another list of resolutions for next year, so you can check back here for my resolutions — 2018 edition.
Happy 2018 to everyone.
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