
I’m certainly in no position to refer to anyone as stupid. But I’m also not running for public office — especially not the President of the United States of America. As you’ve gathered from some of my recent entries, I’m not impressed by either major candidate for president, so I think that I owe it to myself to at least learn what I can about the “third party” candidates.
Gary Johnson is running for the U.S. Presidency on the Libertarian Party ticket. As you’ve probably heard, he was asked during an interview what he would do about Aleppo if he were elected president. I’ll spare you all the bumbling — the bottom line was that he had absolutely no idea who, where, or what Aleppo is.
Maybe I shouldn’t be overly critical, but I can’t imagine anyone that’s had the news on in the past year not knowing — even if they weren’t paying attention. Did I mention this guy is running for president?

Most everyone knows that Aleppo is often (wrongly) referred to as the “capital of ISIS.” Aleppo is one of the oldest cities in not only Syria but one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world.
Interestingly (maybe not) I first became aware of the Aleppo when our kids were much younger and we drug them to the Smithsonian Folk Life Festival every year. One year featured exhibits about the Silk Road — because of it’s location, between the eastern Mediterranean coast and the Euphrates Valley, Aleppo was one of the key centers along the Silk Road(s).
Anyhow, I guess I’ll keep looking for someone to vote for that’s better than Popeye — maybe all these candidates should start reading my blog.
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