Tigers and Dogs

A day or so ago when we were playing golf, someone that played with us for a while last year was mentioned. A couple of people said that they thought the reason he wasn’t playing (with us) this year was because he wasn’t “compatible” with the way we played…. that led to a discussion of compatibility. We all agreed that we were fortunate that each of us seemed to be compatible with our wives, since most of us have been married in excess of 40 years. During the discussion I mentioned that I knew that Claire and I would be compatible because I checked the Chinese Compatibility Chart. This is no joke — there is a chart that lists how compatible people are using the Chinese Year in which they were born (e.g., year of the dog, rat, monkey, tiger, etc.) The compatibility chart can be found on the Internet if you’re interested. Anyhow, I was born in the year of the Tiger and Claire was born in the year of the Dog. Here’s the exact words as to how we should do together:

“The Tiger and the Dog generally share a kind, affable connection that is fun and satisfying for both! Both Signs are noble and protective of those they hold dear, so if the relationship between these two is close and emotional, they are able to make one another feel quite secure. For the Tiger, this is an important balance – this Sign tends to run from restrictive relationships but with the Dog, the Tiger won’t just feel protected, it will feel that its needs and interests (such as individuality and independence) are being protected as well. The Tiger will be happy to return the favor, and the Dog will be happy to receive it – this Sign is sometimes a bit pessimistic and has trouble trusting others but it will find it easy to trust the noble, warm-hearted and courageous Tiger.
As lovers these two know how to make room for one another’s individual personalities, which is of especial importance to the Tiger. This Sign insists on its freedom to be happy, which can be a difficult requirement to have met in an intimate relationship. The Dog, however, is a bit moody and often needs alone time itself. Both of these Signs follow their own heats, but their hearts are noble and true, making it very easy to respect one another and their choices in life.
As business partners these two are capable of creating a strong company or product. The Tiger’s fearless, inventive mind combines well with the Dog’s loyalty and trustworthiness. The Dog is also something of a radical thinker and can add spice and dimension to the Tiger’s innovative ideas. Whether they’re business associates, lovers, friends or family members, these two are likely to get along famously. Their only trouble spot might result from the Tiger’s occasional flakiness, a quality the Dog has trouble  handling in others, but any upsets are sure to be dealt with quickly and completely.
The Tiger and the Dog share a compatibility of nine, on a scale of one to ten.”

So there you have it — never question Buddha.
— 30 —


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