May Madness

I’ve mentioned several times here that this time of year is always busy around here. The Kentucky Derby ( and the Gold Cup for you Virginians), Cinco De Mayo, our Anniversary, Kelly’s Birthday and Mothers’ Day all occur within about a week. We didn’t go to the Kentucky Derby (or Gold Cup) but I watched it on TV. Cinco De Mayo turned out to be special — we didn’t go out as usual, but Claire made Mexican and we modified our favorite Margareta recipe a bit and we both decided it was a big improvement. We took a couple of days for a short trip to southern West Virginia. We visited the Greenbriar, had some drinks and snacks at the golf course (home of the Greenbriar Classic, coming up in about 50 days) attended a pretty impressive demonstration by a very talented glass blower, generally bummed around the grounds and had a nice dinner. The Greenbriar Valley has lots going for it. We spent a good part of a day around Lewisburg — a place that calls for another visit in the future. We had a great visit with the folks at the Smooth Ambler distillery — an up-and-coming distillery that I’m sure you’re going to hear more and more about as time goes on. Their operation is very small, but their spirits are already available in 26 states and several foreign countries. We did a lot of “tasting” and got a personalized tour. I even got to bottle my own bourbon and sign the label. Weather was good and the drive was beautiful — a really good trip…

Not sure of all the details of Kelly’s birthday, but I know they got to watch the fly-over of the World War II aircraft at the National Mall and visited the Air and Space Museum at Dulles for a closer look at the planes… and Kelly and Chris attended the Caps playoff game on Mother’s Day.

All in all a busy but really good week. Of course the best part was that I got to spend the time with my secret love… since it’s a secret, I won’t say much more, but I’ll give you a hint — her first name starts with Claire…..
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