A New Medium

Many (both) of you faithful readers are familiar with the history of this blog. Initially, we created a family web site with the intention of it being the “place to go” to find out about family activities, family recipes, and just generally what was going on with the family — both the Stracensky and Williamson sides… Well, that didn’t work out so well, only a very few family members ever checked the site and even fewer contributed any content. In fairness, a lot of both families weren’t comfortable being around a computer. So it was a good idea, just not practical.

Anyhow, after we decided the web site was a lost cause, I’d become accustomed to sitting down in front of the computer on a daily basis and updating the site. I missed that time with the computer and decided to start a blog. That was back in March of 2007 and at that time I didn’t know exactly what a blog even was (still don’t.)
The blog was titled “In My Own Write,” with the sub-title of “Jimmy’s Thoughts — and Not Yours.” If you’re wondering where this is going, hang in there, I’m about to tell you.

The original intent was for the blog to replace the Family Web Site and write about family events and activities, but being here in West Virginia and the families in (mostly) Ohio and Oklahoma the pipeline of information didn’t provide much data. So — the blog evolved into me just writing down whatever happened to be on my mind when I decided to make a new entry.
After four years and seven months and approximately 267 entries, “In My Own Write” came to an end on November 18, 2011. A few days later, I started a new blog with the title, “What Would Jimmy Do.” That, of course, is what you’re reading now. Not a lot has changed, except for the format — that’s been simplified a bit and, if I choose, I can make entries from my iPad or iPhone. But the content remains varied, questionable, confusing, current, out-dated, serious, humorous, reflective, or any other adjective you choose, but almost always opinionated.

I promised to tell you where this is going — at Christmas Kelly, Chris and Emily gave me a book entitled “In My Own Write.” My original blog has now turned into a book! I’m pretty sure it’s not in all the bookstores yet, so it may be a special order. So now I can add ‘author’ to all my other accomplishments… It’s not that I haven’t written a book before, but most were of the instructional variety. This is the first one about nothing. If the blog entries fall off, I may be out at a book-signing….
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