
Since this topic seems to have topped the news for the past week and everybody else has weighed in on it, I guess I might as well mention it here. Of course I’m talking about that very serious, potentially catastrophic practice of deflation. In case you’ve been under a rock or something for the past few days, you probably know that the New England Patriots are accused of under inflating some footballs. The articles I’ve read seem to indicate that this matter will have to go before a grand jury and a special prosecutor will be named any day now. This “gate” may turn out to be bigger than Watergate — this is football you know, and more importantly it’s Super Bowl.

Before I go on, let me make it clear that I’m not a fan of the New England Patriots, or the Seattle Seahawks — the participants in this year’s Super Bowl. I remain loyal to the Redskins and the Browns, neither of which have ever cheated. (If they did cheat, they’re not any better at that than picking quarterbacks, or anything else — their records speak for themselves.)

But back to Deflate-gate — the news coverage is being handled just like a big-time political scandal. I suspect that this incident is receiving more publicity because it involves the Patriots. I’m guessing that most of the media don’t care much for Bill Belichick, the Patriots coach — probably because he doesn’t spend a lot of time answering the news media’s stupid questions. Every good scandal needs a villain, and Belichick is perfect for the role.

Now I’m not in favor of a team cheating to get into the Super Bowl, but is seems that these improperly inflated balls have received more press than Ray Rice’s elevator punch, or the rampant misuse of steroids in the NFL.

So the media isn’t going to give up on this controversy until it’s been beaten to death, or, something better comes along. I guess it’s worth pointing out that the Patriots squeaked by the Colts by 45-7. The Colts might have pulled the game out if those balls had been pumped up just a bit more…..
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