What A Great Job

We got to spend the most time with Locke this week since he’s been born. The first time we saw him he was sleeping, at Christmas, he was awake some, but mostly just hungry. This time he had become a little person — took a few cat-naps, but was mostly awake and just checking things out. You could see amazement and wonder in his eyes sometimes and there was no questioning what he thought was funny — just amazing to see how much he’s developed and how active he’s become in such a short time.

I wonder what it is that make grandchildren tug at your heart and makes them so special? Maybe it’s because they’re all play and no work. I really don’t have the responsibility of raising them and because my mind isn’t concerned about mundane things like work, it’s easy to tune in to them, and then of course there’s the old saying, “send em’ home when they get cranky.” But I suspect there’s more to it than that.

I think because we’re not in contact with our grandkids every day and we’re not totally expected to discipline them, it creates a special kind of relationship. To be honest, my goal, and I work hard at it, is to be the world’s greatest grandkid spoiler and I’ve pretty much already forgotten the meaning of the word “no.” What a great job — this being a granddad.

I’m looking forward to more time with Locke — I’ve already decided grandsons can be just as much fun as granddaughters. Someone said, “never have children, only grandchildren.” I don’t totally disagree….
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