
I was working in the yard the other day and my neighbor pulled out of the garage — I waved at her and she waved at me and then honked her horn. I am at a complete loss as to why she (and a lot of other people) do that. She waves and honks if she’s coming in or if she’s leaving. What’s the point of honking? I already know she’s leaving. Does she just like the sound of the horn? is she testing it in case she needs it later? Does she just want to annoy me?

This honking — for no apparent reason — is on my list of things that annoy me (I know, the list is getting pretty long.) I’m trying to remember the last time I used the horn in my car. I actually wonder if there is good reason for cars to have horns today…. I think they were initially installed to warn others, when there’s no other practical way, of avoiding trouble, like a potential collision. Today, the horn is rarely used just for that purpose.

In many countries that I’ve lived in, constant horn honking is just a routine part of driving like braking, turning and accelerating. It’s a kind of way to let everybody know where everybody else is…. around here, the horn is mostly used to rebuke or reprimand — often being used after the danger has passed or just to let another driver know that they did something stupid or made the honker mad. Often times, blowing the horn is the driver’s way of saying I’m here — just get out of the way and let me through.

I’ve noticed that honking has become a method to express your like (or dislike) for all sorts of things. In the past few months I’ve seen bumper stickers that say Honk if you Love Jesus, Honk if you Love Cheese, Honk if you You’re Amish, Honk if you Love Clowns, Honk if you Love Honking, and Honk if you Love Peace and Quite.

So it appears that honking is here to stay — There are aggressive honkers, angry honkers, force-of-habit honkers and of course the friendly honker. I guess we just have accept the fact that the horn has become more than the warning device that was its original intent. It now is used for acknowledgement and celebration. What’s more touching that a guest leaving your neighbor’s house at 2 a.m. and giving a good honk to top off that farewell kiss — or meeting someone on the road you haven’t seen since yesterday and some mysterious force compels you honk — and expect one in return….

As far as the Honk if you Love Jesus bumper sticker goes, maybe Jesus would be flattered, but I’m pretty sure he’d have been happy if you’d just use your turn signals.


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