
As is the case lately, the headlines seem to be mostly about the President. I suspect he likes the publicity — maybe not some of the current publicity, but apparently it’s still publicity to him.

Anyhow, as I think back over the week, the President seems to have a (fairly small) list of favorite words… I didn’t count, but he used zero, terrific, tremendous, huge, bad, amazing, tough, “they,” loser, and stupid a lot. Almost every time I listened to him he used one or more of those words.
I remember during the campaign him saying that he went to an Ivy League school and he was highly educated. I’m pretty sure he said, “I know words. I have the best words.” So who am I to argue that?
Anyhow, where I started with this is that he uses some words and phrases that are just funny to me. I always get a smile when he says “big league” or “bigly.”

And that got me to thinking…  some words are just funny and make us laugh, even though sometimes we don’t know why. Bamboozled, cantankerous, cattywampus, waddle, squeegee and mugwump are funny to me. My dad used to tell me to use my noggin… I always thought that was funny. I think platypus is a funny name for an animal, but if you’re talking about more than one, the plural of platypus is platapie.
I was talking about the President earlier and a funny word that applies often to some of his statements is discombobulate — that means to confuse someone. And as you’ve probably figured out by now, I really had no point to make or really anything to say when I sat down to write this… so it might fall into the harum-scarum category.

I’ve found that looking for humor in words helps me cope with a lot of what I read and hear on the news. Of course I can’t find any humor in a lot of the words that make up the news. When I was little, I was told that “words can never hurt you.” I sure hope that turns our to be true….
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