Tigers and Sheep

Tomorrow we start another new (Chinese) year. This year, Chinese New Year begins on February 19 and it’s the Year of the Goat/Sheep. Some people refer to it as the Year of the Ram.
As both the faithful readers of this blog know, Chinese New Year is one of the holidays that I celebrate and usually every year in this space I discuss what lies in wait for me during the coming year. This information is based on Chinese Astrology of the purest tradition. Chinese Astrology doesn’t just predict the future, it gives you pertinent advice to help you live a richer and more satisfactory life.
In order to use Chinese Astrology, you must know the Chinese year in which you were born. I was born in the Year of the Tiger. So here we go — let’s see what us Tiger people can look forward to in the year of the Sheep.

But — before I get to that, let’s look at the Year of the Goat (Sheep) itself. The Sheep, or Goat is a Yin energy, a symbol of Peace, Harmonious co-existence and Tranquility. That is the primary and fundamental mood for the year. This is a year to use mental abilities over brute force. Those who wish to be aggressive, can expect to be out-maneuvered by strategy and common sense. Sounds like it’s gonna be a pretty good year to me.

But back to us Tigers — At first glance, the energies of the Tiger and the Goat do not combine. The Goat is related to the peaceful development of life, in which extremes are avoided, whereas the Tiger has a predisposition for great challenges and a radical approach to life, so it seems to Tigers that in the Year of the Goat, everything is too slow, dragging and uninteresting. Nothing ever runs smoothly in a Tiger’s life, but there will be fewer surprises this year.
So the magic word for Tiger natives during this year will be “concentration.” People born in the Year of the Tiger will achieve almost everything they yearn for through a correct mental attitude and activation of creativity. But they cannot get to the extreme of letting themselves go blind because of their own ambition of success — that would be destroying the magic.
The best months of the year 2015 for Tigers: February, March, June and November
What Tigers should strive for in 2015: being serious and truthfulness
And our lucky numbers for 2015 are: 4, 17, 23, 30, 33, 41.

All in all, it’s looking good for us in this the Year of the Goat, but Tigers are very unpredictable and there is no off switch on a Tiger. Mao Tse-Tung is quoted as saying, “In walking a Tiger, use a long stick.” So keep checking back here to see how us Tigers are doing during the year….
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