Big Sales

Tomorrow is Presidents Day — a fairly recent holiday when the banks and post office, government, usually schools and a few other establishments close and the remainder of the population sell stuff, or buy stuff. Presidents Day is mostly known for Presidents Day Sales.
When I first came to Washington, there was no Presidents Day, but the Washington area celebrated Washington’s Birthday in a big way. When I was living in Oklahoma, Washington’s Birthday came and went every year without much notice. But in Washington, they had huge sales on Washington’s Birthday. You could often buy a typewriter (if you don’t know what a typewriter is, go back to playing your X-box) for three cents and some dealers offered a car for about $100.00. This was all before stores stayed open 24 hours and had a sale for any actual, or made-up, event.

Of course that’s all changed, Washington has been pushed aside; some people don’t even know when his real birthday is and believe this or not, don’t even know who George Washington is.
I think it’s a shame, but it is what it is. A few days ago, Emily told her mom that she heard there was a holiday coming up — Presents Day. I guess even the four year olds have figured out what Presidents Day has really evolved to….
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