Merry Christmas

Well, here it is time for my annual Christmas blog. Well, ok, maybe not annual, but I fully intended it to be annual – and after all, it’s the thought that counts – right?
Anyhow, every year about this time, everyone gets caught up in the activities that seem to peak between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Obviously, that’s too bad, because that’s not what Christmas is (supposed) to be all about.

I got to thinking about all the Christmases that I can remember – and I’ve been around for quite a few. Some stand out more than others, but I think each one becomes more special than the last.
I remember that when I was small, I thought Christmas would never come, the days leading up to it just dragged and dragged. I couldn’t wait for all those toys that I just knew would be under the Christmas tree on Christmas morning. I’m not sure exactly when my idea of Christmas changed and it became something more than about “things.”

I’ve been fortunate enough to spend Christmas many places over the years. A couple of the places might make you cringe and think that those must have been the worst Christmases ever. But not so – as I said before, all were special in their own way. I’ve witnessed and participated in Christmas traditions in some strange places and in some strange ways.

I often hear it said that Christmas is for children – but – it’s for grownup, too. A lot us find ourselves doing a little something extra for someone this time of year. There is something mysterious that happens to most of us around Christmas – we seem to have feelings of joy, good-will, etc. that we don’t most other times. Christmas is magic – and intangible. It seems to weave a spell and even though everyone thinks of it differently, it always becomes a day of remembrance and it increases our courage for the present and hope for the future.

Claire will tell you that I’m not a big fan of messes – and there are a lot of them in the world, but one mess that I don’t mind is the mess created in the living room or family room on Christmas day – it’s pretty cool and I don’t mind if it doesn’t get cleaned up too quickly.
There is no universally ideal Christmas. This will be a great Christmas for us – it’ll be our first with the newest member of our family, Emily. Christmas is personal – but its a good time for all of us to reflect on our values, desires, affections and traditions.

Merry Christmas to all….


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