
This is usually a busy time of year for everyone, but the newest member of our family, Emily, has been especially busy the past couple of months.

Besides getting used to her new home in Leesburg and settling in with three dogs, she got her first round of shots, made her first trip to West Virginia to see her grandparents, went to her parents favorite Mexican restaurant, had her first sleepover (at our house) while her mom took care of some dog business, started going to the baby sitter while her parents worked, took her first airplane ride to California to see her California grandparents over Thanksgiving, and visited the beach for the first time.
She also got her first (and second) ride in an ambulance  – and scared the jeepers out of everyone – and is now busily charming all the doctors and nurses at Fairfax Hospital. As you can see from the picture, the charming part comes easy.

(UPDATE: Emily is now at home – and especially glad to see Riot, Cisco and Berkeley… and sleep in her own bed.)

I was just thinking that she’s not even four months old and she’s already done things that I didn’t do until I was an adult (or never have done.) I told you she was special!!


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