End of the Trail

So – back on Saturday, March 31, 2007 I began an experiment; I decided to try my hand at “blogging.” At that time, I didn’t know what a blog was, and to right now, I’m still not sure. Originally I intended to use it to replace the “Family Web Site,” that I decided wasn’t worth the effort as only about two or three members of the family ever read it (about the same number that have periodically checked out this blog) and discuss family matters, but basically just document our activities here in West Virginia.

Somehow, it evolved into me just writing down whatever happened to be on my mind when I decided to make a new entry. Chris and John (and sometimes Mike) often times provided the subject of some of the entries by asking insightful, thought provoking, and often world changing questions. Both you faithful readers know that I always provided scientifically accurate, well researched answers to their queries.

Recently, all sorts of things seem to have gotten in the way of my keeping this journal, or blog, up to date. I’ve decided that now that the weather is providing less and less good golf days, it’s time to get back to making “blogging” one of my more active undertakings.

I think this is a good time for a fresh start, so this will be the last entry is this blog. I’m going to change the format a bit and it will be moved to a new location on the Internet. Realistically, with the holidays approaching, I probably won’t do too much until January – but if you’re curious, you can periodically check http://jimmy.ekota.net to see what’s happening – that’s the new address for “In My Own Write.” I’ll probably be playing around with it for the next month or so. If you have any suggestions, I’d like to hear them.

After four years and seven months and 267, give or take a couple, entries, it’s time to move on to the next phase – it’ll still be a blog because I come closer to knowing what a blog is than a tweet or a woof or Facebook or any of those other things that people seem to use to publish every detail of their lives. I appreciate the readership – many thanks to you both.


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