WWJD? Blog!

The last entry in this blog was titled, End of the Trail — and it was, for the original blog I started back in March of 2007. I decided it was time end it for a number of reasons, not the least of which was it was technically difficult to update and maintain. When it was started, I knew even less about blogging than I do now, if you can believe that.
At any rate, it just seemed a good time to call it quits, step back think about it and start anew using new technology.

Recently, all sorts of things seem to have gotten in the way of my keeping the journal, or blog, up to date. I’ve decided that now that the weather is providing less and less good golf days, it’s time to get back to making “blogging” one of my more active undertakings.
I think that now is a good time for a fresh start, so the old blog (“In My Own Write”) is ended and the second in (perhaps) a series begins with this entry. In keeping with a fresh start, the look of things have been changed, and will probably continue to change until I settle on something I like. The old title is retired; the new handle is WWJD, or “What Would Jimmy Do.” Since I never knew what the theme or purpose of my blog was, it’ll just stay the same. Since WWJD is still in the development stage, if you have any suggestions, I’d like to hear them.

After four years and seven months and 267, give or take a couple, entries, it’s time to move on – it’ll still be a blog because I come closer to knowing what a blog is than a tweet or a woof, Facebook, MySpace, Skype, Bebo or any of those other things that people seem to use to publish every detail of their lives.  In response to the title of this first blog entry, WWJD – I believe I’ll start another blog!


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