Life Path Numbers

A couple of days ago I wrote about angle numbers and recently I’ve mentioned that one of Claire’s brothers is “into,” or at least refers to, horoscopes fairly regularly. There seems to be a fair amount of interest in numerology these days with a lot of people believing that there is a mystical relationship between numbers and events in our lives.

As I mentioned when discussing angel numbers earlier, the origin of numerology can be traced back to ancient civilizations, like the Babylonians and Egyptians who used numbers to describe qualities of the world around them. 

Life path numbers are a part of a series of numbers in a numerological chart — and they are derived solely from a person’s birthdate and give insightful information about a person’s life journey. 
If you check the Internet, you’ll find more than one way to calculate your life path number. I don’t know that one is any better or more accurate than another, but here’s one way:
Add your birth month and day together and remember the result. As an example, February 20 would be 2 + 20 = 22.
Add the entire year your were born together and remember that number, too. For example, 1989 would be 1 + 9 + 8 + 9 = 27.
Add the two results together — in this case, add 22 (from the month and day) to 27 (from the year.) 22+ 27 = 49.
Add the double digits together until it yields a single digit. In this example, 49 is 4 + 9 – 13 and then 13 is 1 + 3 = 4. In this example, the person’s life path number is 4.

Different life path number mean different things. If you’re interested, you can look up the meanings behind your life path number on the internet, or I’m sure you can find that information in the library if you’re one of the few people that still visit those places. 

During my extensive research, I noticed that almost all the articles I checked, stressed that your life path number is only a part of a series of numbers from your full numerology chart and that an experienced numerologist would help you put it in its right place in the big picture — you are not just one number, but a combination of numbers that make you unique.

Someone said numerology is the bridge between who you are now and who you have the potential to be. Is that true? Actually, we don’t know. There is no concrete evidence that numerology is anything more than a way to interpret the world around us. Whether or not you believe in numerology is up to you — but if you do, and it helps, why not?
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