Angel Numbers

We went to the doctor a week or so ago and the nurse had a necklace that had “4444” on a chain. It was very pretty and I asked if it had a special meaning. She said it was her angle number. I guess I’ve led a sheltered life, but I had never heard of an angle number before. 

After hearing her story about her necklace, I decided some extensive research was in order….
According to numerology, angel numbers are number sequences (usually three or four numbers) that contain repetition (like 111 or 4444) and or patterns (such as 321 or 8787.) These numbers usually appear in ordinary places, but they grab our attention and often evoke a sense of wonder. Supposedly the reason these numbers get our attention is an extension of their symbolism — it’s believed that these numbers are messages from the spiritual universe that offer insight, wisdom, and directionality. Whether they’re assigned to angels, guides, ancestors, spirits, or just a higher state of your own consciousness, angle numbers can confirm you’re on the right path, shed invaluable insight on a complicated situation, or even illuminate the powerful, mystical meaning behind recurring themes you experience throughout your life.

The significance (and power?) of repeating integers has been around hundreds of years. The Greek philosopher Pythagoras was a brilliant mathematician and he believed that our reality is a physical manifestation of the energetic vibration of numbers. 

One of the ways angel numbers differ from other signs of this type is that they’re not linked to your birth information. Zodiac signs, astrology birth charts, life path number, etc. are all determined by the date, time and/or location of birth. Zodiac sign personality traits offer insight about your likes, dislikes, tastes, and preferences, but angel numbers don’t shed any light on your identity, but indicate the ways in which you’re moving through the world.

And apparently angle number are extremely fluid — you may be followed by an angel number for years, or you might experience an angel number as a singular event or occurrence. And — a long-term connection isn’t any more meaningful that a one time observation.

One thing that’s different and kind of cool about angel numbers is that they appear in ordinary places — like clocks, timestamps, alarms, receipts or maybe addresses, phone numbers, license plates. price tags, travel itineraries, etc. 

And, again supposedly, the reason angel numbers appear in the most mundane locations is because the spiritual universe is intentionally offering a gentle reminder that you’re moving through something greater than any day-to-day circumstance could ever express. The presence of an angle number can feel like a warm embrace — it’s kind of like the angle number is saying, “you’re doing amazing.”

I’ve never experienced an angel number, but now that I’m aware of them, I’m going to try to be more observant — I think it’d be pretty neat if one shows up.
Galileo said that mathematics was the language with which God wrote the universe — who knows, maybe he was right….
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