September 2023

Continuing this year’s tradition of talking about each upcoming month when it arrives, today is September 1, and the topic is September….

September is one of those transition months — summer is kind of in the rear view mirror, the leaves are starting to change colors (and fall off the trees) and the days are getting shorter. But September is one of the better months — lots of history, holidays and activities…. and, of course, football!!

September comes from the Latin word “septum” — meaning seven. It’s the only month not named after a Roman deity. It’s also the only month with the same number of letters in its name as the number of the month — 9. And if that’s not enough, the autumnal equinox occurs in September, marking the start of fall.
Maybe it alway has been, but recently September has become a month of remembrance. It’s become a time to honor and remember those who have made sacrifices for their country, community or loved ones. Some observances during September include Labor Day, Patriot Day, POW/MIA Day and Gold Star Mother’s Day.
On a lighter note, fans of McDonald’s may celebrate the fact that in September, 1960, the famous “Golden Arches“ logo was introduced — and — the first McDonald’s restaurant in Europe opened in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

September is also National Chicken Month — that’s good, I suppose, if you’re not a chicken. I don’t think a month long celebration recognizing all the ways to prepare and enjoy chicken probably appeals to many chickens
I know I’ve mentioned this before, but September is the month with the most songs with its name in their titles. One of the most famous, if maybe not the most famous is “September” by Earth, Wind & Fire. Earth, Wind & Fire was the group we saw on our first date, so I guess that makes September a little special for us. 
Although June is considered the “wedding month,” September seems to be catching up in popularity. Some say the weather is better in September and some believe it’a a time of new beginnings and fresh starts and that makes it a meaningful time for couples to start their lives together.
September marks the start of the Judaism High Holy Days. It begins with Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, and ends with Yom Kippur, the Dy of Atonement. These are some of the most important holidays in the Jewish calendar.

September ranks as the second most common birth month — behind August. Some believed that’s because September falls nine months after the holiday season and colder winter months, and some believe that being born with the Zodiac signs of September (Virgo and Libra) will ensure success in life. 
The early medieval societies in England, the Anglo-Saxons, referred to September as Gerst Monath, that translates to barley month. The name signifies the integral role of agriculture in their life, especially the harvesting of barley. During this month, barley was ripe and ready to be harvested and processed into a variety of goods, including bread and beer — essential staples in the Anglo=Saxon diet. 

So September is an interesting month and has lots of things to celebrate, like National Grandparents Day, Talk Like a Parrot Day, Labor Day, the autumnal equinox and more. — off we go…..
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