Pretty Rocks

We have a store in Shepherdstown that I call the “witch’s store.” Of course, it’s not a witch’s store, but it sells all sorts of kind of neat stuff,and it has all kinds of “crystals.” Lots of people believe in the power of crystals — healing and otherwise. 

Crystals and stones have been used in the art of alchemy and magic for ages.
A lot of people, including some that I know, believe in the healing power of crystals, so I thought that might be an interesting topic for today. What are crystals? Well, they’re rocks. If you’re a believer in crystals, there are thousands of different crystals, and the process by which they’re formed and the minerals they’re composed of creates their different physical and energetic properties. 

As I mentioned, the use of crystals for their healing properties isn’t anything new. Crystals have been used for thousands of years, dating as far back as the ancient Sumerians in Mesopotamia and their use has been identified in cultures throughout the world, such as ancient Egypt and Greece.

Crystals have become indispensable in our world — much of our modern technology is made possible by crystal technology and their ability to transform pressure into an electrical current — without them, we wouldn’t have LCD (liquid crystal display) TVs, or quartz watches or a lot of other electronic equipment.

As for the theory behind crystal healing, things aren’t quite so straightforward. Even though alternative medicine experts believe in the power of crystals to positively influence the body, no one has scientifically linked crystals to improved heath and well-being. 

It’s thought that there are three main “channels” through which crystals operate: vibration, color and as talismen —objectst believed to hold magical properties that offer luck and protection to the owner. The vibrational theory has never been proven, but, supposedly, it has been scientifically documented that colors have different effects on your emotional and mental well-being. Since crystals come in unique, beautiful colors, having one in your physical space brings that color — and benefit — into your space. As to the use of a crystal as a talisman, that requires a little more imagination, or faith — one example given is that if you want to heal from a breakup, you buy a rose quartz, which is the most popular “love” crystal. Every day when you see the crystal, your subconscious is reminded that you deserve to be loved and love is coming — and that changes your vibration. 

So even with all that science has discovered about crystals, they remain a mystery. The properties of crystals vary among the different types of crystals. That “mystery” of crystals is what has led some people to believe that crystals have special powers.
But whether or not you believe crystals have special powers, they are still extremely beautiful, interesting objects that we can all appreciate.
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