Moon Talk

Well, we’ve made it into the Dog Days of Summer and through the 4th of July and tonight is the last night the first full Moon of the summer season will look “full.” This month’s full Buck Moon rose after sunset on July 3rd — the eve of Independence Day and the first “official” Dog Day of this summer.  

July’s full Buck Moon will be 224,895.4 miles from Earth — that means that August’s Blue Moon will be the only supermoon this year that will be closer to our planet. This month’s full Moon is called the Buck Moon because the antlers of male deer are in full growth mode at this time. (Bucks shed and regrow their antlers each year, producing a larger and more impressive set as the years go by.)
The Cherokee people refer to this month’s Moon as the Month of the Ripe Corn Moon.

While on the subject of the Moon, if you believe in such things, astrologically speaking, the emotional, spiritual, and intuitive effects of a supermoon can be felt on a deep level by earthlings.
I’m not sure I understand what it means, but apparently the astrological meaning of July 2023’s full Moon is: The Capricorn full Moon aspects Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn (currently in retrograde.) These planets add a positive element to the overall vibe. We’ll opt to take cautious steps towards manifesting our desires, meaning we won’t go overboard with our goals and will remain practical in order to not exceed our expectations.
I guess that’s good advice, but I think I’ll just go out a look at the Moon — full Moons are pretty cool…..
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