It’s A Locke!!

The big news is that we have a new addition to the family. I realize that John’s going to disappointed again that it’s not a puppy, but once again —it’s even better. Locke Archer Williamson now resides with Dave and Chassie, and of course Bella and Draco. He arrived on November the sixth and weighed in at seven and a half pounds. That makes him one month old today!! Happy Birthday, Locke!

A couple of people have questioned his name and inferred that it was unusual. I don’t think it’s unusual – it’s not “common,” but then Locke isn’t a “common” baby.
When you think of a lock/locke you often think of a fastener on a door or box or some kind of a container. It’s often used to indicate that something is in a fixed position, or maybe to stop the movement of something. Of course it’s also used to indicate an enclosed stretch of a canal or river where the water can be raised or lowered by use of gates. Or, maybe even a piece of hair.
John Locke was a famous English philosopher and physician regarded as one of the most influential of Enlightenment thinkers. The character on the TV series Lost, also named John Locke, was named after the Englishman.

Like lots of words and almost all names, there are variations in spellings and if you dig into almost any word, including names, there are usually multiple meanings. The word lock or locke probably comes from a German background. At any rate, its a very strong, masculine name.

The Locke in our family arrived a little bit black and blue, with various bruises, even including a black eye. So if that’s any indication, he’s already a fighter.
We’ve only seen him a few times, but he’s won us over already. Carl Sandberg is quoted as saying, “A baby is God’s opinion that the world should go on.” The first time I held him, I realized he is the future. And I’m pretty sure the world is going to be in good hands. We’ve all heard the phrase, “it’s a locke.” That means to have the situation well in hand or all ‘locked up.’ That certainly seems to be the case with our new grandson.
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2 Responses to It’s A Locke!!

  1. JR says:

    Congrats to them! Christmas is a good time for a puppy, just saying.

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