Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday

Today is Rory and Ellie’s birthday. When I talk about them to friends, I alway mention that they are twins. For some reason, twins are just fascinating. I remember when I was a kid I always thought it would be so cool to be a twin.

Before Rory and Ellie were born, I heard a lot about twins — I’m sure some of it was true and some of it wasn’t. I think Dave and Chassie are convinced that Rory and Ellie share a language all their own. Turns out they’re probably right — if you’ve ever seen two young siblings readily conversing in complete gibberish, you likely witnessed idoglossia —an autonomous language often created and shared between twins. According to research published in the journal Institute of General Linguistics, about 40 percent of twins invent their own languages. The researchers believe that super-close siblings (they don’t actually have to be twins, but usually are) sometimes use each other as models for learning vocabulary, applying meanings to sounds — even if those sounds are complete nonsense. Usually their special lingo disappears as their vocabulary expands and by the time they start to school, but not always.

While on the subject, some other interesting things….
• Identical twins have different fingerprints
• Twins start interacting in the womb at 14 weeks
• Identical twins can develop different diseases
• Nigeria has the highest rate of multiple births and the most identical twins
• China has the lowest rate
• Mothers of twins live longer

But today is extra special for Rory and Ellie — and the rest of us. I’ve heard it said, and Dave and Chassie might be able to verify, that “It’s double the giggles, double the grins, and double the trouble if you’re blessed with twins.”

If you think about it lots of good things come in pairs — gloves, shoe laces, eyes, ears, windshield wipers, chopsticks, socks…. but best of all, are twins.

Happy Birthday to Rory and Ellie — double the candles means double the cake! Here’s to another year of great adventures, happy memories and lots of love — I can’t tell you apart, but I love you equally.
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