
There are special people in our lives that never leave us even after they are gone.
Scott was one of those people…. my first memories of Scott are of a perfect little kid. Of course a lot of little kids seem perfect when you’re not their parents. But even though I wasn’t around him a lot over the years, I never saw a “bad” — or even an unpleasant, side to him. 

Admittedly it was from a distance, but I saw Scott grow up and become, by any standard, successful. He excelled at just about anything he attempted — and anything he did, he did well. His dad, Al, and I used to periodically talk about our kids and Al always said Scott drove him crazy sometimes because everything he did had to be perfect. Al thought he must have taken more after his mom than himself. I don’t know if that’s true, but if you knew Scott, it was obvious he was the product of good parenting.

Scott’s life was way too short — but he made the most of it. I read something once that went something like this….
Life is a song — sing it. Life is a game — play it. Life is a challenge — meet it. Life is a dream — realize it. Life is a sacrifice — offer it. Life is love — enjoy it. 
I know it wasn’t necessarily always easy, but Scott did just that and in the end, it’s not how long life is, but how good it is that matters.

They say that grief is the price we pay for love — today we’re all paying that price, but we can take comfort knowing that although life has to end — love doesn’t. 
Here’s to Scott — a life spent bringing joy, laughter and happiness to others….
— 30 —

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