For the past seventeen years, the 22nd of May has been known as Anniversary Day around here.
With an extended family as large as ours, it’s inevitable that any given day is likely to have more than one family event scheduled.
On May 22, 1999 we attended Mike and Sue’s wedding…. on May 22, 2004, we attended Chris and Kelly’s wedding — and Mike and Sue’s 5th anniversary.
May 22, 1999 was the 142nd day of the year in 1999, the day of the week was Saturday.
May 22, 2004 was the 143rd day of the year in 2004, the day of the week was Saturday.
On May 22, 1999, the U.S. President was Bill Clinton, the UK Prime Minister was Tony Blair and Pope John Paul II was leading the Catholic Church.
On May 22, 2004, the U.S. President was George W. Bush, The U.K Prime Minister was Tony Blair and Pope John Paul II was leading the Catholic Church.
On this date in 1999, Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling was one of the best selling books and if you were into video games, the most popular were Lego Rock Raiders and Darkstone.
In 2004 on this date, Worse Than Watergate by John W. Dean was one of the best selling books and video gamers were playing Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords or Quiet Weekend in Capri.
Today, May 22, 2022 is the 142nd day of the year and it’s a Sunday.
The U.S. President is Joe Biden, the UK Prime Minister is Boris Johnson and Pope Francis is leading the Catholic Church.
One of the most popular books is Heartstopper, Volume 4 by Alice Osman and Video gamers are playing Elden Ring.
And — Kelly and Chris and Sue and Mike are celebrating their 18th and 23rd anniversaries, respectively.
Happy Anniversary Day!!!
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