Happy Anniversary to Me

“It is with some sadness that we had to announce the demise of the Williamson/Stracensky Family Web Site.” Fourteen years ago today, if you happened to be at this place on the Internet, you read those words. For a number of years I put in a fair amount of time and effort to maintain and keep up-to-date a web site dedicated to the Williamson/Stracensky families. I thought at the time, and still do, that a centralized location to keep up with all the family events and activities was a good idea. 

But I was wrong — the site never got very much use. We surveyed the family as to whether we should keep it — or not. Four (4) family members responded that would be sorry to see it go.

So — on March 31, 2007 if you looked for the Family Web Site, you got a page, headlined “The Family Web Site is Dead — Long Live the Blogs.” If you read further, you learned that the Williamson/Stracensky Family Web Site had been taken down and replaced by blogs — one by Claire and one by me. 

Initially, my plan was to blog about family…. but that thought quickly went away and I decided the family wasn’t interested in the web site, and there was no reason they would be particularly interested in my blog. My blog turned out to be about nothing — it consists of my thoughts whenever I sit down to update it. Just whatever happens to be on my mind or pops into my head. 

Over the years, I’ve often addressed significant family events or activities and I’ve more often blogged about nothing in particular.

Claire maintained her blog for a while, but it is currently inactive. I continue to ramble on about nothing every day or so. Fourteen years seems like a long time, but the years pass fast. While today may not be a monumental occasion, it’s a special day here in the world of “What Would Jimmy Do?”
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