
Today is World Backup Day. You faithful readers know that for the last couple of years, I’ve blogged about this day because — well, it’s important. But— I still think it’s misleading. When I first heard about it I was very excited because it seemed like the kind of day I’d be in to celebrating. Of course, I discovered that the day didn’t have anything to do with going backwards… it’s a day when you’re supposed to backup all your computer files. I will continue to support the day, but my opinion is that World Backup Day should be about — backing up.

I suppose it’s appropriate, or an omen or something, that the day before April Fools is World Backup Day… this “day” originally started as World Backup Month and was originated by a hard drive company by the name of Maxtor. Maxtor was later acquired by Seagate Technology.

Before computers became the center of our world, backup seemed to mean to undo one’s actions or to reconsider one’s thoughts, but today when “backup” is used, most people immediately associate it with a computer. 

I think our data is backed up regularly, so I don’t need a special day to do it…. but as I said, for those that don’t this is an important day. So — since I won’t be doing a special data backup today, maybe I’ll do something else related to back or backwards, like maybe thinking of words that can be spelled the same backwards, such as level, madam, radar, noon, rotator, mom or racecar.

Celebrate the day any way you want, but don’t forget to backup the stuff on your computer….
— 30 —

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