Never Forget

Today is the anniversary of one of those times that we can all remember exactly what we were doing 19 years ago — the September 11 attacks, or 9/11 attacks, are forever etched in our memories. 

None of us need to be reminded, but on September 11, 2001, a series of airline hijackings and suicide attacks were committed by 19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al-Queda, resulting in the deadliest terrorist attacks on American soil in U.S. history.
 Some 2,750 people were killed in New York, 184 at the pentagon and 40 in Pennsylvania. All 19 terrorists died. More than 400 New York police officers and firefighters were killed.

The ceremony at ground zero will still take place today but added safety measures are in place because of the coronavirus pandemic. This year there will be no live reading of the names of those killed in the attacks — recorded readings of the names, made by 9/11 family members, will be used. 

Since 2002, the “Tribute in Light” has marked the attacks on the twin towers — initially that display had been cancelled. On a clear night the lights can be seen from 60 miles away. It takes a team of about 40, who must work closely together, more than a week to set up the machinery to project the lights. It was thought that the health risk during the pandemic was too great for such a large crew. Apparently those concerns have been resolved and the Tribute in Light will will return tonight.

America’s response to 9/11 was swift and positive — if there was a negative aspect, it was that once again America, the superpower, overreached its power and authority. That type of response used to be called leadership. Today, the nation’s “response” to another crisis (CoViD-19) has gone the other way, with America making no effort at leadership at all. 

Former Secretary of State, John Kerry said, “Remember the hours after September 11 when we came together as one! It was the worst day we have ever seen, but it brought out the best in all of us.” Wouldn’t it be great if this September 12 could bring out the best in all of us….
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