The Nothing Zone

Yesterday I mentioned that one trait (I like to refer to them as talents or gifts) that I have is selective listening. Another talent of mine (probably one of many) that seems to puzzle Claire on occasion is my ability to completely shut off my mental faculties and think about absolutely nothing. She’ll ask, “So whatcha thinking about?” And I say, “nothing.” She says, “nothing??” like it’s hard to believe I can think about nothing. I seriously doubt that Claire could think about nothing — even if she tried. I think this may be a safety mechanism, like selective listening. If my brain is strained too much, it goes into a sort of protective mode. After the crisis or strain has passed, it just reboots. The danger of being in protective mode or the nothing zone is that that you have to avoid a complete system shutdown. Claire is pretty good at getting me out of protective mode, and avoiding any system shutdown — often just the suggestion of a drink or ice cream will do it. She seems to have the knack and knows how to get me out of the zone. How could you not love someone like that?


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7 Responses to The Nothing Zone

  1. Your Son says:

    I always wondered where I got the ability to think about “nothing.” I think it’s a pretty cool super power to have. Thanks Dad.

  2. Kelly says:

    I still don’t understand how thinking about nothing is possible…

  3. JR says:

    I think it is a Stracensky trait for the women not to be able let their minds stop, unless under the influence of lots of wine!

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