June Babies

Well, here it is June — in a few weeks, we’ll be half-way to Christmas. Usually around Chinese New Years time, I at least mention the Chinese Zodiac and I’ve noted several times how it plays a more prominent role in the lives of the Asian culture than our zodiac “signs” do in our day to day lives. Nonetheless, it’s kind of a fun topic whether you believe in it or not. According to a study a few years back, the words horoscope and astrology are the two most searched topics on the Internet. 

A few days ago I ran across an article that discussed how the month in which a person was born determined that person’s characteristics. For instance, the article concluded that more millionaires were born in the month of September than any other month. I thought that was interesting, but not interesting enough to take time for extensive research on the subject — so it might be true or maybe it’s not.

But because today is the beginning of June and three members of our (immediate) family were born in June, here’s what the report says about them:
“June babies have the best personalities and are the life and soul of the party. They love to make new friends and are extremely outgoing. Those born in June are expert flirts and therefore often have very attractive partners. They are insanely hot. June babies more often than not have an affinity for vinyl so they have massive record collections. They are film connoisseurs and could even become a famous actor/actress one day.”

So there you have it — if you know Claire, David and/or Chassie, draw your own conclusions. I think the part about often having very attractive partners is true, though….
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