Play Ball

There’s been a lot of talk recently about “re-opening sports.” Many people and organizations have different ideas about how all sports can safely resume. Baseball has proposed having games only in Arizona, with no spectators, and having games in various stadiums around the country, with no spectators, or fans, and having a shortened season with regularly scheduled games and a limited number of fans permitted to attend each game. And probably at least a hundred variations of these guidelines. 

I guess the good news is that for most sports, except maybe basketball and hockey, the games are played outside… I know, before you say it, a lot of football games are now played “indoors.” 

But no matter where the games are played, it seems like social distancing is maybe the major issue. It’ll be hard enough to enforce social distancing with the fans — I don’t know how basketball players can adhere to those guidelines during a game — it probably would cut down on fouls, though. Social distancing by the players in any team sport seems just about impossible to me. Maybe golf would have the best chance of pulling true social distancing off.

Anyhow, a lot of smart people are working on this this all out and each sport is figuring out how they can resume — safely. Seems to me football might be ahead of the other sports in their planning — just about every player on every team already wear face masks, so they’re obviously progressive thinkers….
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